Debbie Wiley
Book Reviews

Al-Jazari (1136–1206), a Muslim inventor during the Artuqid dynasty, designed and constructed the first programmable humanoid robots in 1206

Model of a robot  by Leonardo da Vinci
Model of a robot based on drawings by Leonardo da Vinci

Swiss physician Friedrich Miescher
DNA was first isolated by Swiss physician Friedrich Miescher who, in 1869, discovered a microscopic substance in the pus of discarded surgical bandages
From Debbie Wiley Book Reviews
Darkscape: The Rebel Lord
Darkscape: The Rebel Lord by R. Garland Gray
by R. Garland Gray

Lieutenant Kimberly Kinsale’s commander, Lin Jacob Rama, has lost his mind.  The fair-minded commander that she once proudly served under is gone and in his place is a cruel and unstable man, no longer fit to lead the warship Shadowkeep. However, his latest exploit solidifies Kimberly’s concerns.  Rama has attacked a remote outpost of the Clan Douglas and captured a prisoner.  His prisoner is none other than Lord Lachlan de Douglas, the sole heir to the Clan Douglas.  The death of Lachlan would mean an end to any attempts at peace between the warring clans.  Now Kimberly will have to choose… her commander or aiding a prisoner?  Will Kimberly go with her heart?

DARKSCAPE: THE REBEL LORD is a clever mesh of science fiction and romance.  R. Garland Gray takes readers into a world where science is an integral part of the storyline and yet doesn’t overwhelm it.  Oftentimes, scientific twists tend to lead the readers into areas of confusion but R. Garland Gray writes a tale that is clear and concise.  The concepts are easily grasped and add to rather than detract from the storyline.

The characters are the real heart of the story, however.  Kimberly’s plight is one that still has the power to send chills of fear into me. She is a strong woman, one to be admired, as her personality and moral fiber are apparent no matter what she faces.  Lachlan is also heroic as his anger and quest for vengeance are understandable.  His love for Kimberly softens him somewhat and keeps his anger at bay.  Conversely, Rama is a diabolical character and yet the reader feels somewhat sympathetic towards this man tormented by his own madness.  Kudos to R. Garland Gray for crafting such realistic and multidimensional characters!

DARKSCAPE: THE REBEL LORD is the epitome of what a science fiction romance should be.  The tale captures the imagination and sends it soaring to new heights.  I eagerly await the next installment to see what R. Garland Gray has in store for us next..

Publisher: Medallion Press (December 2008)

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Reviewed by Debbie, Debbie Wiley Book Reviews

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