Debbie Wiley
Book Reviews

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Newspaper/Magazine vendor

Karl Ferdinand von Gräfe, a pioneer of plastic and reconstructive surgery
Karl Ferdinand von Gräfe, a pioneer of plastic and reconstructive surgery

From Debbie Wiley Book Reviews
Her Celebrity Surgeon
Her Celebrity Surgeon by Kate Hardy
by Kate Hardy

5 Stethoscopes
Sophie Harrison is prepared to celebrate a coworker’s promotion to the Director of Surgery until she learns that someone else was hired instead.  Worse yet, the new Director is Baron Rupert Charles Radley, a plastic surgeon who regularly appears in the tabloids.  However, appearances can be deceiving and both Charlie and Sophie will have to learn to look beneath the surface to see the true measure of a person.

The first book in the Posh Docs series was initially released in the Harlequin Medical Romance line as HER CELEBRITY SURGEON.  Thankfully, Harlequin is re-releasing it in the Harlequin Presents Extra line (under the title THE MILLIONAIRE BOSS’S RELUCTANT MISTRESS) as this is a story that is not to be missed.

Kate Hardy takes on the issue of past hurts and how they can lead to stereotyping.  Both Charlie and Sophie have very painful pasts, pasts that cause them to view each other with some reservations.  Sophie’s story in particular is deeply moving and touches on some very sensitive issues.  As a social worker, I appreciate the way Ms. Hardy handles such a delicate issue as she provides the reader with a full sense of the damage and pain caused by such a trauma. Bravo, Ms. Hardy for yet another fantastic story!

Publisher: Harlequin Medical Romance #239 (February 2006)
Other books in series:   Posh Docs series

This book is being re-released as:
The Millionaire Boss’s Reluctant Mistress (Harlequin Presents Extra, May 2009)

Reviewed by Debbie, Debbie Wiley Book Reviews

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