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Debbie Wiley
Book Reviews

The Tosher Rebbe of Montreal, Canada. Considered to be the last of the great Hasidic luminaries of the so-called "Golden Age" of hasidism in Pre-War Europe

From Debbie Wiley Book Reviews
Merkabah Rider
Merkabah Rider by Edward Erdelac
by Edward Erdelac

The Jewish mystic known as THE MERKABAH RIDER is on a mission….

Told in four episodes, THE MERKABAH RIDER chronicles the journey of the mysterious figure of the Rider. A Jewish mystic searching for his former master, the Rider battles against both superstition and evil. His travels lead him from the plight of missing children in the town of Delirium Tremens to the strange dust storms of Polvo Arido, to the mass death scene in Gadara and finally to the brothels of Tip Top. The Rider confronts the evils he sees while seeking clues to the whereabouts of Adon. What will it cost him?

Edward M. Erdelac forges into new territory with his incredible tale, MERKABAH RIDER: TALES OF A HIGH PLAINS DRIFTER. The fusion of horror with an old Western makes for an intriguing atmosphere and the author injects just the right amount of details to make it believable. The scenes are vividly real, almost too real as Edward M. Erdelac does an excellent job at capturing what faces true evil would wear. The elements of Jewish mysticism add the necessary counterbalance and readers should note the helpful glossary explaining some of the more esoteric terminology.

Each episode tells a separate story with the ongoing thread of the Rider’s search for Adon tying them together. Edward M. Erdelac builds the character of the Rider slowly, with each novella adding a bit more understanding to the personality of this very unique character. The Rider isn’t an immediately likable figure but rather one whose aloneness stands out initially. MERKABAH RIDER: TALES OF A HIGH PLAIN DRIFTER is a gritty, imaginative tale that keeps readers on the edge of their seat till the very last page is turned! 

Publisher: Damnation Books (December 2009)

Reviewed by Debbie, Debbie Wiley Book Reviews

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