Debbie Wiley
Book Reviews

Rahab of Jericho
Rahab of Jericho

The walls of Jericho crumble as the Israelite priest blows his horn in this illustration from a 14th century Icelandic manuscript from the Árni Magnússon Institute in Iceland
From Debbie Wiley Book Reviews
Unashamed by Francine Rivers
by Francine Rivers

The lineage of Jesus Christ includes a woman often scored for her profession- Rahab the harlot.  Rahab lived along the walls of Jericho and her story of hiding the Israelite spies from her own people is infamous. But what about her own redemption? UNASHAMED offers a possible glimpse into the mind of a woman both reviled and praised, a woman who had enough faith to shake off her past to become part of The Lineage of Grace.

Rahab’s story has intrigued me for years. Her role in the defeat of Jericho is a curious one.  What would cause a woman living as a prostitute to hide spies and lie to her King’s men? Francine Rivers offers a plausible scenario and one that perhaps gives us a picture both of hope and of faith. Rahab had no reason to trust men. Life as a prostitute would have surely shown her the evils and deceits that lay in men’s hearts… and yet she trusted two Israelites, two foreign spies nonetheless. Francine Rivers paints a picture of the kind of unrelenting faith in things not yet seen that would allow a woman like Rahab to trust these men. Stunning!

Francine Rivers tackles hard issues head on and shows how the spirit of God can work no matter how dark or bleak the circumstances may appear. UNASHAMED is a splendid retelling of the story of Rahab and the walls of Jericho tumbling down. Francine Rivers remains true to the Biblical version while offering readers a hint at what may have gone through Rahab’s mind and in her world during this well-known time. Once again, Ms. Rivers delivers a powerful and amazing story of a woman redeemed through her total trust in God.

Publisher:  Tyndale Publishers (October 2000)
The Lineage of Grace series (other books include: UNVEILED, UNSPOKEN, UNSHAKEN, UNAFRAID)

Reviewed by Debbie, Debbie Wiley Book Reviews

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